
Petar Kočić park is a city park in Banja Luka, Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is located in the local community Centar. Petar Kočić Park is one of the two most famous parks in Banja Luka, the other being Mladen Stojanović Park. The park is named after Petar Kočić, a great Serbian writer, poet and politician, born in the village of Stričići in Manjača. Petar Kočić Park was revitalized in 2006, and with the Music Pavilion built, it was declared the most successful infrastructural building in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The monument to a writer and a national tribune, Petar Kočić (1877-1916), is located in the City park (across the main square) and it represents one more work of Antun Augustinčić in Banja Luka and Vanja Radauš. The monument was finished in 1929, and established and solemnly uncovered on Novemer 6, 1932.


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