
The Museum of Contemporary Art of Republika Srpska was founded on January 13, 1971 by the Decision of the Municipal Assembly of Banja Luka as the Art Gallery in Banja Luka. The Art Gallery was formed after the action of art artists from the space of the former Yugoslavia and other parts of the world, which have been solidarated with Banja Luka, affected by the catastrophic earthquake on October 26 and 27, 1969. The joint action of solidarity, prominent Yugoslav painters, the historians of the art and friends of Banja Luka, collected approximately 800 works of art, which served as the foundation for the establishment of the institution and its initial fundus. The newly appointed gallery had the task of systematically exploring, collecting, studying, processing, processing, resheling and publicly exhibiting works of artistic art, both domestic and foreign authors. Her contribution was also reflected in the improvement of art culture and art in the wider space of its action, as well as expanding and developing a sense of fine arts in the audience in general. The Museum of Contemporary Art of Republika Srpska is in one of the most representative buildings of Banja Luka - the old Austro-Hungarian train station built in 1891, which was intended in 1981 for the needs of the museum institution, which met museological standards. In 2007, the facility was declared a national monument by the Commission for the Preservation of the National Monuments of BiH, and requires specific protection measures.

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